How Middy Makes Teaching Piano Easy
by Jack Keough
Since 2019, music teachers have had to compensate for periods of quarantine and social distancing, both for their own safety and for that of their students. Adapting instructional methods for distance learning and virtual or hybrid classrooms while giving meaningful feedback has proven to be an ongoing challenge.
Remote Teaching Solution
Providing attention consistent with in-person lessons proved difficult and teachers found themselves unable to assess a student’s progress. Using Middy makes remote teaching easier and more productive. Teachers can use Middy’s built-in and intuitive teaching tools to gauge students’ progress each time they practice, anytime anywhere.
Real-Time Feedback and Analytics
As a practice tool, Middy provides students of all skill levels with engaging interactive lessons supported by real-time feedback, simply and intuitively presented. In a normal practice environment in between lessons, students often wonder if they are actually practicing parts correctly. Middy's feedback system gives your students insights on their note accuracy and rhythm, so they can make adjustments as they go.
The same system provides analytics that the instructor can review at any time to track individual student progress and practice habits accurately and meaningfully. Essentially, this does the grading for you, saving your valuable lesson time for teaching new concepts and giving individualized feedback. This provides unprecedented levels of transparency for both teacher and student, making it much easier to see progress and the next best steps for student growth.
Passive Income
Middy allows music teachers to make their lesson plans and instructional material available to the public via a subscription-based license. This is a profound advantage for instructors, as it enables them to reach new students worldwide and create passive income with new or existing material that may otherwise be sitting in a state of untapped potential. This opportunity is perfect for teachers who may have been affected by the COVID pandemic, providing them the ability to supplant their existing income.
Middy handles the billing for you, freeing you up from having to spend time doing the books. Using Middy is as simple as creating a channel and plugging in your curriculum. Your existing teaching material could be earning you potential income!
Whether offering full-course lesson plans to distant students, supplemental instruction to current students, or creating material intended to attract new students, Middy gives music teachers freedom and flexibility to unlock new earnings and reach. If this sounds like the solution you’ve been waiting for, you can apply to teach with Middy now at